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Steve Strongwater, MD
Atrius Health was created in 2004-2005 by a few medical groups, including Dedham Medical Associates, Granite Medical Groups, and Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates that wanted to work together on improving quality, increasing the use of electronic medical records, and managing care. In 2015, these three medical groups merged together with Atrius Health and PMG Physician Associates joined in 2017. VNA Care, our home health and hospice subsidiary, joined in 2013 and is the oldest VNA in the nation, with the VNA of Boston founded in 1866. Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates represents the largest number of our 30 clinical locations. Harvard Vanguard became an independent medical group in 1998 when providers from the health centers that were part of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care decided to form an independent physician-led organization to ensure that patient care was always paramount. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care was formed from the merger in 1995 of Harvard Community Health Plan and Pilgrim Health Care.
Harvard Community Health Plan, founded in 1969 by Dr. Robert H. Ebert who was the Dean of Harvard Medical School, was created to revolutionize the way in which medical care would be financed and delivered in Boston. In partnership with Harvard Medical School, this prepaid group practice with its salaried physicians would serve the sick while also providing preventive care to healthy members of the practice, with its patients coming from all sectors of society.
Today over 80% of Atrius Health’s revenue comes from value-based care. Our practice and the Center for Health Care Innovation continues to innovate new ways of care delivery. Our Academic Institute maintains strong teaching relationships with Harvard Medical School and others while continuing to research new ways to deliver care more effectively. We are truly a unique healthcare organization and believe our future is strong.
Thank you for considering joining our practice. We hope you join us to continue on this amazing journey.